
Advocacy Programs

Primary health care

– Advocacy for Sanitation and hygiene education to reduce the waterborne related illnesses like diarrhea and identify key messages related to safe drinking water and food water safety practices.
– Train mothers to practice adequate personal hygiene and hand washing.
– Training for breast feeding mothers to understand the benefit of exclusive breast feeding and best practices for complimentary foods and PMCTC to have security for the future generation.

Women empowermentadvocacy for sewing education

 – Adult literacy classes were introduced for women to learn how to read and write and be able to count things like money.
– Village Banking & micro-lending to facilitate income generation opportunities & entrepreneurship

Human/women rights

Environmental issues

Gender based violence

Gender and social justice

EDF is providing programs for the local communities on the problems & issues around early marriages



Land Grab Advocacy

EDF is active in educating people of their rights to avoid losing their lands.

Details coming soon!


Women’s Rights

EDF is actively engaged in educating women about their rights.

Details coming soon!