
Empowerment of women

Tailoring class
Teaching Women Tailoring

Women’s empowerment is a central part of EDF’s mission. Teaching women skills in sewing and tailoring to increase their income potential.

Village Banking Groups

EDF is encouraging and helping form Village Banking groups to give women access to micro-loans to fund new business initiatives. Education, training and guidance is provided to facilitate the concept of saving some portion of their money from crop sales and then taking micro loans to fund improvements in their business.

Village banking
Village banking day
Food Processed products
Food Processed products enabled by micro-loans









Environmental Empowerment


The EDF centre is beginning a program in agro-forestry to encourage reforestation and discourage continued deforestation in our communities. EDF is currently planting trees in a nursery area to provide resources for  organizations and individuals who want to take the initiative in reforestation their communities.

Horticultural seedlings will be for sale as a deterrent measure on deforestation. Those organizations and individuals wishing to order can do so by downloading an order form (coming soon here at our website). Orders should  specifying their requirements throughout the coming year for the next year. See the Ordering information for preferred planting / transplanting times.

Details coming soon!